Adult & Family Ministry
The point of following Jesus is to become like him. We work toward the goal of this-life transformation and trust God with our after-life destination. As our affections and motivations line up with those of our Leader, we see people and serve into their needs.
We begin with our family, loved ones, and friends. We reach out to our acquaintances, co-workers, and neighbors. We stretch to bless strangers and even enemies. Our lives offer only raw and impure materials. We depend on the refining work of the Holy Spirit, the shaping work of the Son, and the loving affirmations of the Father to make lasting change in us.
Sermons and Bible classes, service projects and prayer, worship and fellowship meals become potter’s wheels and fiery kilns for us. We practice spiritual disciplines at retreats, we confess to brothers or sisters at breakfasts, we lean into the call and trust the One who calls us. Join us as we work to become a blessing in fulfillment of God’s prophecy to Abraham. (Genesis 1:1-3)