Get To know Us
A community of faith following Jesus
Come as you are. We welcome you— no strings attached. Cultural, religious, and economic barriers can make it difficult to find a home. The love of Christ removes those barriers. Through Him, we strive to make Oak Ridge a home where everyone belongs.
Have doubts? Experiencing a crisis of faith? Join the club. Jesus’ closest followers doubted and even deserted him. We take refuge in Jesus’ faithfulness when our own fails. We lean into the doubt as we lean on each other.
We want to experience our faith in practical ways. We want to grow in community with a loving Creator. We want to let go of attitudes and actions that hurt us or others. Bible study, authentic relationships, following Jesus… these things lead us to maturity.

Worship at Oak ridge may look a little DIFFERENT than you are used to. during worship you might EXPERIENCE:
singing (Mostly a capella because of our heritage), Praying together, reading of scripture and a short lesson to either uplift or CHALLENGE you for the week.
where ever you may find yourself in life, we want to Welcome you just as you are.
Sundays @ Oak Ridge
During communion you will see people spread out to tables to share the Lord's Supper in small groups. Please feel free to join but do not feel pressured. We also have individually wrapped elements available at the table in front of the baptistry in the main foyer.
If you could use prayer, please feel welcome to meet with one of our Shepherd Couples around the perimeter of the auditorium or go to anyone with whom you feel comfortable! We would be honored to pray with and for you. If you'd be more comfortable standing & singing, that is what those not praying will be doing.
The sound of children during worship is an absolute blessing to us! If you need to take your baby out during worship, we have a nursery with attendants located in the jungle foyer directly outside the left exit doors. Please know you are welcome to take your child there at any point during the service.
Following Family Prayer Time, we will invite children to come up & give an offering, then head out the back of the auditorium to Children's Worship. Of course, you are more than welcome to keep your kiddos with you, but also know they are invited to go! Please feel free to stay with them a few moments to help them get settled if needed.
Oak Ridge believes Jesus reveals the God of love who crosses the boundaries of geography, culture, social status, and history to restore relationships with all people.
This belief affects all we do from Sunday school to service projects. We trust Jesus to shape us into people our neighbors will be glad to know, to make Oak Ridge a safe place to connect with God.